Bat Surveys
A Bat Survey is ordinarily triggered when there is to be:
- Conversion, modification, demolition or removal of buildings (including hotels, schools, hospitals, churches, commercial and derelict buildings) which are:
- Agricultural buildings (e.g. farmhouses, barns and outbuildings) of traditional brick or stone construction and/or with exposed wooden beams
- Buildings with weather boarding and/or hanging tiles that are within 200m of woodland and/or water Pre-1960 detached buildings and structures within 200m of woodland and/or water
- Pre 1914 buildings within 400m of woodland and/or water
- Pre 1914 buildings with gable ends or slate roofs, regardless of location located within, or immediately adjacent to woodland and/or immediately adjacent to water
- Dutch barns or livestock buildings with a single skin roof and board-and-gap or Yorkshire boarding if, following a preliminary roost assessment, the site appears to be particularly suited to bats.
- At the behest of the LPA / County Ecologist.
Ordinarily, the form of initial survey required is a ‘scoping survey’ designed to investigate the presence of bats and / or the potential presence of bats. This is often in association with a survey for nesting birds.
The outcome of the scoping survey dictates the next course of action:
- No / Negligible Potential – Usually indicates the end of the matter, (although, the LPA ecologist could still insist on further survey work).
- Low Potential – A minimum of one emergence survey
- Moderate Potential – A minimum of two emergence surveys
- High Potential / Confirmed Roost – Usually three emergence surveys are required.
Emergence Surveys
Emergence surveys are intended to prove that the building is or is not a bat roost. If bats are recorded, the survey records the access / exit point used by the bats, the numbers and species present. A decision is then taken on how to proceed. This could mean a Mitigation – Method Statement or an Natural England European Protected species Licence (EPSL). The exact requirements are dealt with on a case by case basis.
It is important to note that the majority of Ecological Consultancies are unable to obtain Mitigation Licences from Natural England – We are able to offer this service for Bats, Dormice and Great Crested Newts.
We will rarely consider writing an EPSL application based on the survey work of another ecologist. Please consider the implications of appointing an ecologist who cannot provide the full service.
Activity Surveys
Activity surveys are often required where development is to take place in a previousy undeveloped area such as agricultural fields or brown field site which has reverted back to a more natural state.
Each site is individually rated as either:
Low Habitat Value
– One Visit Per Season (April – May / June – August / September – October) +
Five nights automated recording per season
Moderate Habitat Value
– One Visit Per Month (April – October) +
Five nights automated recording per month
High Habitat Value
– Two Visits Per Month (April – October) +
Two automated recorders (ten nights) per month
The objective of the survey is to ascertain what if any bat species frequent the area and thus devise an appropriate mitigation scheme to ensure that bats using the site, are not impacted by the proposals.
Survey effort is normally conducted in accordance with Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) guidelines or upon the guidance of the LPA Ecologist.
Bat Roost Potential in Trees
As both ecologists and arborists we are able to undertake surveys of trees to ascertain the presence or otherwise of bat roosts.
There are a number of approaches, which we would be happy to discuss.
Any queries or concerns?
Please call us on 0800 888 6846 / 07474 681276
as within the county. Hampshire has one National Park and four Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) covering a total area of about 175,000 hectares or about 47% of the County. There are also a number of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC’s) such as Butser Hill, Emer bog and the East Hampshire Hangers within the county.
In addition there are also numerous Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs). Over 100 are designated because of their biological value whilst a small number are also designated for their geological value. A few are designated for both.
What are Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protection Areas?
What is an AONB?
An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is a landscape which is considered extremely valuable and because of this it is protected for the nation. The criteria for designating an AONB include valuable wildlife, habitats, geology and heritage, as well as scenic views.
Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs AONB covers 380 square miles of countryside overlapping the boundaries of Wiltshire, Dorset, Hampshire and Somerset. It is a diverse landscape offering areas of rolling chalk grassland, ancient woodlands, chalk escarpments, down-land hillsides and chalk river valleys each with a distinct and recognisable character. The landscapes of this AONB today, as they were in the past, are extraordinarily rich.
The North Wessex Downs AONB, is a unique and spectacular landscape that includes tranquil open down land, ancient woodland and chalk streams in the centre of southern England.
The South Downs area of AONB, is home to working communities steeped in history and traditional English culture, from the ancient cathedral city of Winchester in the west to the bustling market town of Lewes in the east.
Chichester Harbour AONB, offering a range of coastal habitats to both human and non-human residents and seasonal migrants.
The New Forest National Park
Scenically beautiful, and also home to many national rare and endangered species such as the smooth snake and sand lizard, the jewel in the crown of Hampshire is arguably The New Forest. Shaped over the centuries by grazing ponies, cattle and pigs which roam free, the forest is a mosaic of diverse habitats
From Ringwood to Chichester Harbour and from Portsmouth to Andover and beyond to Basingstoke, not forgetting of course, the former capital of England, the beautiful city of Winchester, Hampshire is unquestionably a beautiful and diverse county with large swathes worth protecting.
Habitat Surveys
Phase 1 Surveys
Extended Phase 1 Surveys
Hedgerow Surveys
NVC Surveys
Ecological Impact Assessment (EIA)
Tree Surveys - BS5837/2012
‘Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition & Construction – Recommendations’.
Protected Species Surveys
Reptile Surveys
We have experience with all native UK reptiles and would be pleased to discuss your needs
Dormouse Surveys
We are able to undertake dormouse surveys and design suitable mitigation strategies.
Great Crested Newt (GCN) Surveys
Our licenced surveyors are able to undertake all of your GCN needs.
Bird Surveys
Nesting bird surveys, Cirl bunting surveys, Winter bird surveys, Wetland bird surveys. Discuss your requirements with us.
Other Surveys
Invertebrate Surveys
Certain sites will require specific surveys for invertebrates. Occasionally, specific species will require a focused survey. For example – Stag beetles
General Botany and NVC Surveys
Unusual or particular habitats may require surveys focused on plant species. We can undertake surveys at various levels of detail
Badger Surveys
Badgers and their Setts are protected. We can provide surveys tailored to meet the specific needs of your site
Lichen and Bryophyte Surveys
Lichens and Bryophytes are specialist species. Certain habitats may require that these species are adequately surveyed for
Otters and Water Voles are ‘Protected Species’ albeit under different legislation. If you have water on, or adjoining your property / site, you might require a survey for these species. Click the button below for further details.